Performance Enhancing – what a huge topic!

You can buy pills, be on drugs, ask your doctor for steroids, go earlier to sleep, eat better, etc.  But what is really helping? As a former IFBB Fitness World Champion I tried a lot of things to enhance my performance.

1. I had to adjust my nutrition: your body needs quality wise the best what money can buy. Stay with organic fruits and vegetables. I personally have the best results with eating once a day meat (chicken, turkey, fish and 1-2 times beef). I like to add rice as my main source of carbs. I eat rice 5 times a week. My main meal is lunch. And personally I am the strongest around 5 pm and ready for a good 60 min workout.

2. Sleep: everybody around me is completely underestimating the “power of sleep”. This time is the recovery time for your body, cells get renewed and your energy level gets reinstated. You cannot go out till 5 am in the morning and perform best 6 hours later. Take care of your daily sleep 7-9 hours, depends on everybody’s own bio rhythm.

3. Water: focus on drinking a lot of water, it keeps your metabolism up, flushes out toxins. A healthy liver and a healthy kidney make you really strong.

4. Supplements?? If you are not preparing for American or World Championships I personally do not think that it is necessary to add supplements. If you like to substitute dinner with a Protein Shake, that’s fine.

5. Growth Hormones and Steroids: yes, you get stronger and yes, you feel better! But did the doctor who gave you the subscription (and who makes a nice income of your drug use) tell you that you a have great chance to get cancer?? And that Growth Hormones let your testicals  shrink? Your feet and elbows, your chin and ears grow? By the way : you get also really depressed when you stop using your drugs. Deepest depressions follow a hype of well being! Summary: months of great looks get followed by depressions and big side effects like cancer. YOUR DECISION how far you want to go !

Tune in today February 20 at 1 pm EST on WNN Conny’s Health & Fitness Show on AM 1470 or on your I-Heart Radio App USA wide to listen to my topic ” Enhance Your Performance – Naturally!



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