Working Out in Corona Times

Working Out in Corona Times

As the owner of Fit & Fight Boutique Gym I am just speechless how we could get here – it is July 2020. Other advanced countries are opening up their businesses, having the outbreak well under control. But we here in Florida are discussing if we wear masks or...
Aging – No Problem!

Aging – No Problem!

I am watching the latest movies with Robert Redford and Michael Douglas and ….. I see wrinkles! Hurray! I love the original faces, their expressions, their facial movements. They are ORIGINAL. I have no idea how much “work ” they have done, but it...
Alzheimer’s – Do YOU have the Genes?

Alzheimer’s – Do YOU have the Genes?

October 2014: I received a call from Germany that my Father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. I was not to close to him because he was a Narcissist in his behavior. That means it didn’t matter what I was achieving in life as his child it was still...