Conny’s “Reboot Your Health Today” Show
“Reboot Your Health” is about information and news from all over the world concerning Nutrition, Health, Fitness, Wellness and Environmental Topics. Conny’s background as Economist (University of Heidelberg, Germany) and IFBB Fitness German-European and World Champion are giving her a unique, critical way to look at these topics. The Show is educational, funny, motivating and eye opening. It will put a big smile on your face.
Tune in and Subscribe NOW!
Previously on Conny’s “Reboot Your Health Today” Show :
Episode 49: Work Out Success with Multiple Scleroses (MS)
Episode 48: The Injection Craze for Weight Loss
Fit & Fight Private Gym: Small Group and Personal Training, 24/7, #personaltraining #pelobuddy
Episode 47: Biohacking & Longevity News
Episode 46: The OZEMPIC Weight Loss Issue
Episode 45: Sex and the Gym
Episode 44: Gym Memberships - Read before YOU sign!
Episode 43: The New Year Interview YOU can learn from :-))
Cornelia Gyura & David Kolbl, IFBB German Champions as a Couple, 3rd place World Championship 1986
Episode 42: Anger Management or When Your Car Dealership Wants to F... you
Episode 41: Pregnant!
Fit & Fight Boutique Gym, Personal Training, Pompano Beach, Florida
Episode 40: The Female Edition
Episode 39: Metabolical - The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition and Modern Medicine,...
When YOUR Personal Trainer Cornelia Gyura was a World Champion and a Top Fitness Model…
Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities:
We offer a variety of affordable sponsor ships on Conny’s “Reboot Your Health Today” Show: Call for an appointment and let’s see how we can promote your business, your services and products while improving our listeners’ lives. Contact Us: 954 849 0466.
I am regularly ( four times a year) on Conny’s IN THE MIX Show because it is so important to emphasize exercising as a natural aphrodisiac for men AND for women. Leakage problems in advanced age can even disappear with special workouts. Conny‘s Show is so motivating and energizing – I really enjoy being on the show. Follow up callers guaranteed!
Conny’s IN THE MIX Show gives me a unique exposure to listeners who would like to improve their health. Conny as a Host finds a great balance between educating people about environment, health and fitness AND for me as a Specialist an advertising tool for my business Alternative Realization Hypnotherapy. She calls it “edu-mercial – educational commercial”. I am on Conny’s Show every 2 Month and I get after the show 2-3 new patients who want to change their lives, starting with Hypnotherapy to work on their mind set. Thanks Conny for this possibility to present LIVE ON AIR what I love to do: helping people through Hypnotherapy.